FG Options Mission

To make a real positive difference to our students by helping them improve their financial situation.

Course Overview

Options Income Machine Program (OIMP) is a financial literacy education programme, that aims to equip our clients with the knowledge, skills and confidence to generate consistent and sustainable passive income with Options Trading. Through a dedicated handholding session that spans two months, we systematically build and strengthen our clients’ foundation, while they gain experience in real market conditions through virtual trading.


Course Objective 

To impart the knowledge, skillsets and tools necessary for one to generate 20% returns per year using the Stock Rental concept (affectionately also called the Lobster System).

Target Audience

For anyone who want to start a new income stream immediately as well as for those with the intent to use compound interest to accumulate wealth for the future, as long as one has 1 hour per week to monitor and manage their portfolio.